La Fondazione ITS Agroalimentare Puglia ha ricevuto l’approvazione della “Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) 2021– 2027 da parte della Commissione Europea. L’ECHE definisce il quadro qualitativo generale in cui s’inscrivono le attività di cooperazione europea e internazionale che un’istituzione d’istruzione superiore può condurre nel contesto del programma. L’attribuzione della ECHE è la precondizione affinché un’istituzione d’istruzione superiore possa candidarsi a partecipare a tutte le iniziative del Programma Erasmus +.
Attraverso l’ECHE la Fondazione ITS Agroalimentare Puglia si è impegnata ad assicurare i requisiti qualitativi relativi alla mobilità Erasmus, tra cui il rispetto dei principi fondamentali relativi al riconoscimento dell’attività accademica svolta all’estero, la non discriminazione e le pari opportunità di accesso alla mobilità internazionale per tutti gli studenti.
L’ECHE 2021 – 2027 è strettamente correlata al documento “Erasmus Policy Statement”, nel quale ciascuna Istituto illustra la propria strategia per l’internazionalizzazione. La Fondazione ITS Agroalimentare Puglia ritiene che l’internazionalizzazione sia un’attività strategica per il perseguimento di molteplici obiettivi di rilevanza comunitaria, nazionale e regionale, trasversale a tutte le sue funzioni istituzionali, essenziale per la crescita della competitività della comunità europea e per la valorizzazione del capitale umano.
In accordance with the DPCM del 25th January 2008 and following up the Deliberation of “Giunta della Regione Puglia n. 1819 of 4th August 2010, on the 10th September 2010 this ITS Foundation was formally established.On the 15th September 2011, n.65/P, it obtained, in accordance with the art. 1 of D.P.R.361/2000, the acknowledgement from the Prefecture of Bari with the registration in the registry of juridical persons.
ITS Foundations are private in nature as they are Foundations of private law with public participation which should be considered “bodies governed by public law” for the purposes of subjection to community and national regulations (Directive 2004/18/EC; Legislative Decree 163/2006) on the procedures of public evidence for the choice of the contractor in custody of works contracts, services and supplies. The ITS Foundation is a not-for-profit organization and pursues the aim to promote the dissemination of scientific and technical culture, to support measures for the
development of the economy and active labour policies. It operates on the basis of three-year plans with the following objectives:
-ensure, on an ongoing basis, the offer of post-secondary level senior technicians in relation to experts that are responding to the demand coming from the world of public and private
-support the integration between the systems of education, training and employment, with particular reference to technical-professional centers to disseminate scientific and technical culture;
-support measures for innovation and technology transfer to small and medium-sized enterprises;
-promote scientific and technical culture and promote the orientation of youth and their families to the technical professions;
-establish organic relationships with the interprofessional funds for lifelong education of employees.
The courses have a duration of 4 semesters (1800 – 2000 hours of which at least 30% dedicated to internship activities). Art. 4 of DPCM of 25th January 2008 provides that the training/apprenticeship can be done abroad.
The objective of the mobility will in fact be primarily but not exclusively to enable young people to do an trainship abroad. This experience means is confronted with a culture and a different
language but also to test themselves in a context where the organization of work , the relationship between colleagues and hierarchies are perceived in a different way , and where even the office
work more daily can become a real challenge.
Experience abroad is an investment for the career of a young professional and personal . After returning from an overseas show young people to be more independent , motivated, willing to take
up challenges , able to manage different situations under stress. Study abroad the opportunity to acquire open-mindedness and independence.
For a successful project internship abroad will be identified companies / organizations that make available a company tutor that will:
• arrange with the Foundation ITS training project that envisages in detail the activities that the student must perform , knowledge and skills that must be acquired.
• foster a good inclusion in the organization , visit the trainee doing the whole company / entity and presenting business managers / dell ‘ organization , introducing people to the area of
apprenticeship / internship , giving it a stable position and tools necessary to carry out the activity , putting it to the attention of the Rules of Procedure , the legislation on occupational safety and
methods of use of the services agreed upon;
• assign tasks taking care of the communication , emphasizing the positive contributions and correcting mistakes , encouraging group work and discussion with those who have experience ;
• be a stable point of reference , meeting in a consistent manner the trainee .
The partners for the activities of Erasmus mobility + will be chosen based on the goals of the Strategic Plan , in particular, will be undertaken primarily in order to allow trade agreements to
trainships in leading companies in the food industry .
Particular importance in the choice of partner will be given to the identification of entities that operate in contexts similar to the territorial and productive food system Puglia , in order to allow the
exchange of Best Practices.
It will seek to establish relationships primarily with situations in which the language used is English at work , in order to allow their students to consolidate their language skills.
Within one month of the signing of the Charter Erasmus for higher education by the European Commission , the Foundation ITS is committed to publishing this global strategy on its website
www.itsagroalimentarepuglia.it .
- Certificate Award Letter 2021-27
- Erasmus Policy Statement ITS Agroalimentare Puglia
- ECHE 2021-27 ITSAGROFirm
ANNUALITA’ 2015-16
Bando Erasmus Traineeship 2015 16; Modello A domanda Placement 2015 2016
Selezione: Beneficiari Mobilità IV ciclo 15-16
ANNUALITA’ 2015-16 – 2016-17
Bando Erasmus Traineeship 2015-16 1016-17 V Ciclo; Modello A domanda Placement 2015 – 2016
Selezione:Beneficiari Mobilità V Ciclo 15-16 16-17
ANNUALITA’ 2016-17 – 2017-18
Bando Selezione Allievi VI Ciclo Erasmus+ Modello A domanda Placement 2017 – 2018
Selezione: Benficiari Idonei VI Ciclo
ANNUALITA’ 2017-18 – 2018-19
Bando-Sel-Allievi-VII-Ciclo Modello-A-domanda-Placement-2018-2019-1